domingo, 12 de abril de 2015

Some progress on Nocturne!!


It has been a while since my last update with Nocturne, But now I choose her and finished the page 10, I'm so proud with the result and of course I know that I'm far from finish her, but the next pages will be with the parking method, so I hope I will be able to finish the second row faster, but by the moment I will continue with my rotation.



Happy stitching!!

6 comentarios:

  1. Awesome Karen! She looks beautiful :) Seeing your progress makes me want to pull mine out and keep working on it!

    1. yes Megan work on her she is so beautiful :) but also your josephine Wall project is so tempting jejeje

    2. hehe, yep I may be attempting to juggle too many WIPS lol. But you have me feeling determined to catch up to where you are ;)

  2. Wonderful progress on a beautiful piece!
