martes, 28 de abril de 2015



Today I want to share the patterns and kits that I bought this past months.


I blame flosstube I saw this pattern being stitched by a Flosstuber and I fell in love right away.

Enchanted Cottage

The favourite animal of my brother is the wolf, so I bought two kits from dimensions, when I finished them of course I'm going to give as a gift for him.



Again flosstube I saw a lady stitching a beautiful scene from a chinese kit and the curiosity was enough to start browsing the webpage looking for a design that I love, My favourite paint is the Starry night from Van Gogh so I saw the kit and I bought it.

HERE you can see the video with her chinese kit completed

The experience with this page is very good is like Ebay you cant comunicate with the seller any time you wish, your purchase is protected by Aliexpress and I haven't had any problem yet. When I decide to stitch this kit of course I will share my opinion about the quality of threads and all the kit.

Clouds Factory...

Since the last year I'm addicted to Instagram, but the last months I love to see all the cross stitch world on instagram, I found this designer there and I decided to buy this little pattern.

There are a lot of funny patterns like movies parodies, important people, mini galleries of famous painters etc.

Their Etsy shop is:  Clouds Factory

Mexico Icons

Mariachi band

House Stark Sampler...

I love game of thrones and these days I saw this amazing pattern on Instagram of course I couldn't resist and now is part of my stash 

You can find it HERE

And a Forest grew...

As you can see I'm getting obsessed with samplers and the "vintage" look of this patterns, I bought this beautiful pattern on

Heaven and Earth Designs...

Im a little crazy again I fell in the temptation and in the last sale I bought two patterns:

The tale of the red swans by Aimee Stewart

Mini Bath time by Selina Fenech

Northern Expressions Needlework...

I saw in Flosstube a very popular pattern called Twisted rainbow sampler, It's beautiful stitched on black fabric and with a lot of speciality stitches, I like it a lot but when I saw its "sister" I liked it even more, But a girl in Youtube made her own choice of silks and colors and the result it's AMAZING 
I will leave her video HERE
The name of the pattern is:

Twisted Band sampler 

 They recomend silks but I will think about buy them because for the moment is not affordable for me.

Save the stitches...

This is another popular design on internet, but this one is a free pattern by Elizabeth Almond if you want to check her website HERE 


 I'm obsessed with this designs, now I bought this beautiful mandalas, I will start looking for shops in my city where I can find the beads and crystals of my choice.

Japanese Moss Garden

Sleeping Beauty Castle

Victorian Garden

Mini mandala gardens


This kits and patterns have been bought since December of the last year, but I think for the moment I have a LOT of fun with all these goodies, so I have to stop buying and keep my needle flying =D

Happy Stitching!!

3 comentarios:

  1. I'm working on Enchanted cottage too!!! I haven't seen any one else stitch it before so this is exciting :D Looking forward to your progress on all these lovely designs!

    1. Welcome to my blog and thank you for your kind comment, so great that your're stitching Enchanted cottage is a beautiful pattern :)

  2. I stitched the top one years ago and it was a joy to stitch. Nice stash.
